Mum's Net


Thursday, 21 February 2013

Saturday, 9 February 2013


My so called 'ugly pictures' - a little update from my phone library

Her most loved pink cat was sadly lost in bloody Harrords!

My clever girl! The nine still looks like a tree though...

cheesecake and fresh smoothie

and coffee for mummy , of course

'Room on the broom' - one of the most popular books at the  moment

With her boys

When everything is digital, there's nothing better than a little note left by a friend

Finally snow!!

And that's how I spend my evenings...

Hello Odessa!

Odessa testing her new wellies, with William

new thing in the schedule: Royal Academy of dance, 
ballet level 2, Friday 4pm 

Odessa and Alexa - two school girls

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Saturday, 2 February 2013


"Look Odessa! Snow!" I said to to my daughter week ago one  morning when we were going to her nursery. Snow had finally arrived in London.

"Wow, Just like in the books!" - she answered.
My daughter knows snow from books! Unbelievable! So different to my childhood in Poland where it was just snowing every winter, nobody was treating it as a blessing or, like some people here, as an insurmountable problem. I definitely don't remember any schools being closed because of it...

Anyway were all so happy! All the children in Odessa's nursery were glued to the window and staring at the snowflakes falling from the sky with huge smiles on their faces. I couldn't wait to pick up Odessa from school and take her to the garden. It was so cool just running in the snow and watching her reaction. In the evening the whole family went to the park and Odessa had her first snowball fight. Unforgettable!

The snow has gone now and we are back to plus 10ยบC temperatures and rain. Oh well...