Mum's Net


Sunday, 9 December 2012

The end of term ballet show

Hey little girl! You did really well! 

It has been a year now Odessa danced at her ballet school and it has been a very positive experience for us. She simply really likes it. When their teacher comes to collect them she runs so fast she has no time to say goodbye to me. And I have to say I like it too, the atmosphere is very nice, the classes are very professional without being too formal, teachers are serious but still warm and my unlike other classes, they have got proper music with a lovely lady playing the piano during classes. It really makes a difference! It's all very charming.  During summer days I would sit outside the building in the sun shine, the kids would be coming back from their schools laughing and playing and I would read my book with the sound of the piano in the background...

1 comment:

  1. Odessa wygląda cudownie. Wyróżnia się na tle pozostałych dziewczynek. Chociaż bez wątpienia, wszystkie są urocze.
    Jejku, jakoś nie potrafię sobie wyobrazić mojej Niny na zajęciach baletu. Ewentualnie jakiś crumping
    afro dance
    street dance
